Trialogue conducts annual research into CSI spend on each development sector in South Africa. In 2023, 68 large companies participated in Trialogue’s primary research survey. According to the research, social justice and advocacy were supported by 15% of companies and received less than 1% of average CSI expenditure in 2023.
National context of social justice and advocacy in South Africa
- According to the Global Wealth Report 2023, South Africa’s Gini coefficient for wealth has increased from 80.4 in 2000 to 88.8 at the end of 2022, signifying growing inequality. At the end of 2022, 1% of South Africa’s population accounted for 42% of the country’s wealth, while 90% of the population accounted for just 19% of the wealth.
- According to Statista, around 18.2 million people in South Africa (30%) lived in extreme poverty in 2022.
- An estimated 10 000 people are evicted from their homes in South Africa every week, according to a report by the Socio-Economic Rights Institute of South Africa (SERI). The majority of these evictions are due to non-payment of rent, followed by illegal occupation.
- According to quarterly crime statistics, from July to September 2022, the South African Police Service (SAPS) were present at 2 455 protests.
- The Department of Public Service and Administration found that 1 874 senior government officials did not hold the requisite qualifications for the positions they occupy.
- No charges have been laid for the deaths of 143 Life Esidimeni mental healthcare patients. The inquest’s legal fees have cost the Gauteng Health Department R77 million and counting.
- The results of the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer show that business is the most trusted institution in South Africa. The survey revealed that 62% of respondents trusted business; 61% trusted non-profit organisations; 41% trusted the media; but only 22% trusted the government.
- The fifth Annual Social Justice Summit, held in October 2023, was themed ‘the role of business and civil society in advancing social justice’, with a focus on CSI as one of the eight thematic areas. The outcomes of the conference will contribute to the implementation of South Africa’s Musa Plan for Social Justice (M-Plan).
Overview of CSI spend
Social justice and advocacy were supported by 15% of companies and received less than 1% of average CSI expenditure.

Type of intervention
Average % CSI social justice and advocacy2023 n=7
45% Research
26% Legal serviceds and support
18% Collaborative processes or networks
7% Constitutional awereness and education
4% Supporting media freedom
- In 2023, research (45%) received almost half of social justice and advocacy spend, a significant increase from 7% in 2022.
- Supporting media freedom (4%) received the smallest portion of spend in this sector.
Read more about social justice and advocacy:
- Read the case study Climate reparations for Africa – achievable or not?
- Read the 2022 research findings: Overview of CSI spend on social justice and advocacy 2022.
Source: The original version of this article was published in the Trialogue Business in Society Handbook 2023 (26th edition).