Government has put in place the legislative, policy and institutional frameworks for municipal infrastructure provision. These frameworks outline what has to be done in providing municipal infrastructure. This booklet focuses specifically on roles and responsibilities of all the important stakeholders in the process of municipal infrastructure delivery. These roles and responsibilities have been drawn from the various legislative, policy and infrastructure frameworks and consolidated into one document.
This booklet outlines the following for sector departments:
- the role they need to play towards ensuring that municipal infrastructure development is part of sustainable human settlements (as opposed to the delivery of sectoral infrastructure which takes place in a parallel manner)
- the framework within which municipal infrastructure support should be provided
- the importance of collaboration across sectors
- specific support to be provided to municipalities in terms of municipal infrastructure through the service delivery life cycle
This booklet aims to clarify the following for municipalities:
- their role and responsibilities in the delivery of municipal infrastructure
- the type of support they can access from different sector departments and from the provinces
Support will vary depending upon the nature of the sector, for example the type of support required for a roads project is very different to that required for a sanitation project. This booklet provides some guidelines on generic support that should be provided by sector departments, as well as details concerning the nature of the support provided.