Activities in arts and culture were supported by one-fifth of companies (20%), receiving an average of 1% of CSI expenditure in 2022.
Support for arts and culture was highest in 2010 when over a third of companies (35%) supported the sector and it received an average of 5% of CSI spend. This has dropped to 1% of CSI spend in recent years. The performing arts have consistently received the largest share of arts and culture spend, with an average of 40% in 2010 and 48% in 2022.
Type of intervention
- Nearly half of the CSI spend on arts and culture (48%) was allocated to performing arts, up from 25% in 2021, when it most likely dropped due to Covid-19-related lockdowns.
- Funding for visual arts increased to a quarter of the average spend, up from 18% in 2021. The average spend on festivals, competitions and awards also increased in 2022.