Basic sanitation in South Africa is a constitutional right, but for millions of South Africans it is a faraway dream. Given the large costs, logistical, technical and social issues, South Africa is running to a standstill when it comes to delivering adequate sanitation facilities for all its citizens because of its rapidly growing population.
According to Statistics SA’s Non-Financial Census of Municipalities 2017 report more than 60000 South African households still use the bucket toilet system. RWF is working towards restoring the dignity of the people by eradicating this bucket toilet system in the areaa of Steynsrus and Viljoenskroon in the Free State within Moqhaka Local Municipality.
Rand Water Foundation has since installed more than 600 waterless ablution facilities in both Steynsrus and Viljoenskroon, replacing pit and bucket systems. More than one thousand community members in both townships have benefited through this project. It can be safely said that the dignity of people in these areas is restored through Rand Water Foundation’s intervention.