Changes in source of NPO income
The National Lotteries Board n=7
Increased = 72%
Stayed the same = 14%
Decreased = 14%
Foreign government donor n=8
Increased = 63%
Stayed the same = 24%
Decreased = 13%
Increased = 56%
Stayed the same = 17%
Decreased = 27%
South African companies n=58
Increased = 52%
Stayed the same = 21%
Decreased = 28%
Foreign private donors
Increased = 50%
Stayed the same = 11%
Decreased = 39%
Debt n=2
Increased = 50%
Decreased = 50%
Investment income n=31
Increased = 48%
Stayed the same = 10%
Decreased = 42%
South African government n=36
Increased = 44%
Stayed the same = 17%
Decreased = 39%
South African trusts/foundations
Increased = 43%
Stayed the same = 19%
Decreased = 39%
South African private individuals n=55
Increased = 27%
Stayed the same = 31%
Decreased = 42%
South African intermediary NPOs n=20
Increased = 15%
Stayed the same = 20%
Decreased = 65%
Other n=2
Increased = 50%
Decreased = 50%